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Agent 2005-03-10 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by cd34
sig placement. :)

sig magician. :D

Trev 2005-03-10 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by Useless Warrior
as well as exposing one's personality.

my sig exposes my personality perfectly.....


venturi 2005-03-10 04:42 AM

All you sigs' Kung Fu is not strong. Bow to my greatness!

mikeyddddd 2005-03-10 09:43 AM

I'm convinced. I changed my sig to whore mode.

Meat 2005-03-11 07:20 AM

the Sig whore shit used to drive me nutso espceially the sig proggies like sigswap etc who are leeches on every board there is.

To combat the sigswap programs and sponsors who refuse to advertise on message boards and run scammy fucking sig shit to get around advertising we just made a compeition

Every person that runs our sponsors sigs is elgible to win a piece of about a thosuand bucks each month, so allthough we couldnt beat the sigwhores we now have about 150 of our own signwhores that run our board sponsors sigs exclusively.

Greenguy 2005-03-11 08:59 AM

I guess if you can't beat them (like we did) you can join them (like Meat did)


Meat 2005-03-11 10:13 AM


Meat 2005-03-11 10:18 AM

sigs make the board colourful and pretty:) and in our case gives significant additional value to our sponsors:)

Cleo 2005-03-11 10:19 AM

|bananna| |bananna| |bananna|


krki 2005-03-11 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Useless Warrior
I keep reading the new posts on this thread simply hoping that at least one of you would have posted with just 'see sig'.

Sigs are a wonderful place for small, controlled advertising, as it is done here, as well as exposing one's personality. Sigs are a good thing, but the people who post only to expose their sig to a few more eyes are a menace to the community. You know the saying, "If you can't be good, be funny. If you can't be good or funny, make sure you have a big cock"? Sig whores aren't good or funny and they have unusually small penises.

Agree with you, and just one thing, a sig whores must be and a post whores. Everyone else even they have a big sig are not a sig whore.

Joe 2005-03-11 03:49 PM

Sigwhores are a means of marketing for many sponsors.

Without sigwhores, some sponsors wouldn't be in existance, because some sponsors simply did not have the marketing capital necessary for a full-blown marketing campaign.

Opti 2005-03-11 09:40 PM

It's the ones you don't pick as sig whores who generate the most money I bet. 1 person who posts here occassionally told me they were getting 600/mth for their sig spot at one stage... and I would have never picked their posts as "whoring"

And to put this in perspective Jim... it's This Board that's weird!! Most boards treat sig space as a posters right.. and would prefer anything to a lack of posts! :D

RawAlex 2005-03-11 11:15 PM

In the long run for a board owner, sig whores lower the overall REAL value of advertising, as the sheer number of banners and link offs per page takes away chances for people to click the paid ads. That an individual with a posting bot (or no life) can run up 50,000 or more posts in a year is telling.

GFY as a board has left hundreds of thousands of dollars of revenue on the table by not better controlling the sigs. I think that the advertisers likely get a much poorer return on money as a result. The whole sigwhore industry basically has created the job title "post whore", most programs have at least one (and maybe more) people who's only job it is to cruise around the boards and get that sig up there, showing the flag as often as possible. 8 hours a day of "that sounds like a good idea, you might like our program too". I am sure that many programs find that paying a real person to do this is cheaper than paying for advertising on some of the more expensive (and less focused) boards.

Another factor on this board is that non-business chatting is limited to one area, and as such, doesn't get the sheer number of views that it might get on a single section board. Sig whores will find it very unprofitable to spend much time around here. Only people who come in with the desire to chat, add to the dicussions, and chat about their products are able to get the exposure. I won't mention names, but those people who do it well are not only selling to us, but have become part of the local landscape.

Pure sigwhores, the nobodies selling their sigline to the highest bidders are the static of chatboards... all noise, no signal.


AdultLoungeRaffi 2005-03-12 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by Joe
Sigwhores are a means of marketing for many sponsors.

Without sigwhores, some sponsors wouldn't be in existance, because some sponsors simply did not have the marketing capital necessary for a full-blown marketing campaign.

Very well put...Sigs are another form of marketing and ad banners but only paid to inviduals rather than the board owner(s). Thats why there are so many problems with the boards owner(s), mods, etc..and posters.

Agent 2005-03-12 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by AdultLoungeRaffi
Very well put...Sigs are another form of marketing and ad banners but only paid to inviduals rather than the board owner(s). Thats why there are so many problems with the boards owner(s), mods, etc..and posters.

I don't think the board owners have a big problem with other people making some money off of sigs. If that was the case they'd disable them or add their own custom sig at the end of each message you or I post. They realize its a slight incentive for the board users to post more which in turn attracts them more sponsors. It's only when some asshat decides they are going to post useless shit does it become a pain in the ass and devalues the board for everyone.

Greenguy 2005-03-12 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by AdultLoungeRaffi
Very well put...Sigs are another form of marketing and ad banners but only paid to inviduals rather than the board owner(s). Thats why there are so many problems with the boards owner(s), mods, etc..and posters.

While that may be true, in all honestly, what the fuck do I care about non board sponsors?

You have to look at it another way - Sig Whores, for the most part, contribute NOTHING to the board. So, in essence, they make money for free.

Legit posters that ask & answer questions & are here to help & contribute the community are sort of rewarded for their posts by whatever money they make off their sigs.

Believe me when I say, if something works out to where money is not that big of an issue, I'd fucking LOVE to have a board with no ads & no sigs :D

Just webmasters helping webmasters, instead of money driving both sides of the board.

Head Boy 2005-03-12 09:01 AM

OK - here's where I get into trouble. :)

I'm a high count poster on a couple of other boards, and I treat my sig as just another resource. It's the same as adding a webmaster link to a portal. Despite my high post counts, I don't think of myself as a sig whore - I'm more of a loose mouth and a nosey bastard.

I'm just starting to rethink my sig policy. What do you think of my new "Big Sig"? I registered the domain to provide tips and handy links for webmasters, as well as promoting some revenue earning sites.

Hopefully it's within the rules, but if GG&J don't like it, I'm happy to switch back to text lines.

Jim 2005-03-12 09:25 AM

I have no problem with people that make money from their sigs as long as they do contribute to the discussion. Here, a quick example of what I consider a sig whore. I have removed the names to protect the guilty. And, the service I am getting this from truncates posts. But, even truncated, this posters posts, fit :) The first line is the thread title, the second is the response.

This is just a small sampling

I just redesigned my buddies content site! What u think?
looks good I like this design
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 6:37 pm

$$$ The MOB Now Offers...Pay Per Sign-up AND Recurring Combined !!! $$$
good news
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 6:36 pm

Just opened new site, opinions?
Loooks great
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 6:34 pm

OCCASH terrible ratio
it is shit :/
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 6:34 pm

Looks like I need a new web hosting firm
Check out
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 6:32 pm

some people don't realise they are being taped (vid)
lol so stupid
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 6:31 pm

It's Official! is offering $2.50 flat on all free signups, NO RATIOS !!!!
wow very nice
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 6:29 pm

would you hit it ??? (pic)
ha ha
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 5:27 pm

how to spend 1000000 bucks ?
buy lamborghini and new house
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 5:16 pm

she had a rough night (pic)
ha ha nice one
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 5:16 pm

Microsoft's boss Bill Gates is top of the billionaires' list for the 11th year
where is Donald Trump ?
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 5:13 pm

Hey DaddysGirl...
he he nice thread
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 4:56 pm

Vodka Experts... Whats Good vodka..
Lithuanian Vodka Absolut Vodka
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 4:56 pm

Unfuckingbelievable HAHA [pic]
ohh man, shit happens
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 4:52 pm

Would you hit her? (PIX)
no no Maybe next time
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 4:51 pm

If I have to hear another fucking person say...
life is short, but life's good
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 4:50 pm

guys, help me out! its my man's birthday today...
why he is not in GFY ?
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 4:49 pm

the winners of the promo are... really cheack this out
Congrats to all winners !
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 3:44 pm

I bought PS2 finally, recommend me some games!
Maybe Driv3r
Posted On: 2005-03-11 at 3:43 pm

Greenguy 2005-03-12 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Head Boy
...Hopefully it's within the rules, but if GG&J don't like it, I'm happy to switch back to text lines.

The image is too big going by our rules - just shrink it down to 120x60 & you'll be fine :)

Head Boy 2005-03-12 09:37 AM

Phew! not my type of posting. :)

Do you think my "Big Sig" sig is Ok? Please can I keep it?
:dammit I can't find the grovel smilie:

edit - just seen your post - I'm off to the shrink now. :)

Pervypete 2005-03-12 11:04 AM

IMHO, the majority of "sig whores" continously post loads of garbage, polluting the threads with noise, and they rarely contribute with anything of benefit for others than themselves.

Like when you find an interesting thread, you must browse through 90% garbage in order to filter the relevant postings - WASTE of time.

One of the main reasons why I rarely spend my time on webmaster boards that allow this kind of shit. Time is money.

SirMoby 2005-03-12 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by LB
Simply put 'sigwhores' are a huge asset to a board. The more posts, the more popular a board seems, and the more people visit it. While I hate the idea of 'sigwhores' or 'postwhores' ..... unfortunately thats the model that seems to work.

That's an interesting though becasue I visit 5 or 6 boards daily and none of them allow sig whores.

Isn't using sig whores to make a board seem more popular is kind of like using CJ2 to make a TGP seem more popular?

A few people posting only to get their sig out may be a good thing but the bulk of board needs to have something real to get my time.

Head Boy 2005-03-12 12:15 PM

People seem to be obsessed with post counts. Several times people say that if you've got a high post count, then you can't be a successful webmaster. I think that a more interesting measure is the number of views per post that your threads get. That's a much better indication of your value (or the appeal of your boob pics :).

Opti 2005-03-12 12:26 PM

Board Marketers are fine and dandy... it's not a dirty word. They generally just can't understand that even the most regular regulars here don't overtly "whore" their own products in sigs or posts.. out of respect for the people that pay for that exclusive privilage.

Doesn't mean any less networking or business gets done.. it just doesnt get done at the expense of the sponsors who contribute the dollars this show requires.

It means there is no need for the paying advertisers to be rammed down our throats as well, it's hard to argue against the policy here on any level really. (apart from making the board look smaller than it is on boardtracker's toplist)

AdultLoungeRaffi 2005-03-12 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy
While that may be true, in all honestly, what the fuck do I care about non board sponsors?

You have to look at it another way - Sig Whores, for the most part, contribute NOTHING to the board. So, in essence, they make money for free.

Legit posters that ask & answer questions & are here to help & contribute the community are sort of rewarded for their posts by whatever money they make off their sigs.

Believe me when I say, if something works out to where money is not that big of an issue, I'd fucking LOVE to have a board with no ads & no sigs :D

Just webmasters helping webmasters, instead of money driving both sides of the board.

I understand...hit me up bro, i would like to support the board with some type of banner ad...or do you know Bonnie Moss?

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