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prozac 2014-02-24 04:32 AM

Getting my latest site in order

CrystalBelle 2014-02-24 06:55 AM

Happy Monday :)
|whisper|I heard that CrystalBelle has something BIG coming down the tracks! |couch|[/quote]

Hehe sorry for the late reply... i'm a newbie here so please be gentle with me |monkey|


I'm a webcam model sooo this week i'll be mainly entertaining the clients! However, i do have something exciting coming up soon which i can't wait to share with you guys!!

What's everyone up to this week?

jason@verotel 2014-02-26 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by ecchi (Post 532445)
OK, so the French have the better wine, but if you want the really good cheese you are going to have to jump on a ferry that crosses the English Channel/La Manche to Britain, because we have the best Cheeses!


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 532449)
You forgot to say "...on this side of the Atlantic." because EVERYONE knows the bestest cheeses EVER come from the great state of Wisconsin, USA!


Originally Posted by ecchi (Post 532463)
Sorry? You are claiming that the country that invented "spray on cheese" has anything to say about cheese making? Sorry my friend, your country gave up the right to claim it's cheese is even edible the day you took the decision to mix cheese with vegetable fat and force it into an aerosol can!

I grew up in Michigan, not too far from WI and to me cheddar is cheddar. I do like some british cheddar too and maybe its even better than US, but French cheese is a whole other ballgame. There is no comparison. More flavor, hands down. You cannot even compare it. If I took cheddar into France, they would probably hang me by my balls with a rusty hook.

ecchi 2014-02-27 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by jason@verotel (Post 532556)
I grew up in Michigan, not too far from WI and to me cheddar is cheddar. I do like some british cheddar too and maybe its even better than US

Umm, you do know that cheddar is a British cheese, don't you? It is called cheddar because it was invented in a place in England called Cheddar, and was originally made in the caves of the Cheddar Gorge!


Originally Posted by jason@verotel (Post 532556)
but French cheese is a whole other ballgame. There is no comparison. More flavor, hands down.

Well it may have "more flavour" than American cheeses, but the reason I originally said "British cheese is better" is that French cheeses have (on the whole) less flavour than French cheeses. And I would defiantly include mature cheddar in that list. I'm guessing your American cheddar is what we call "mild cheddar" which is is a cheaper alternative, that is not aged as long, and so has little taste. In fact I'm guessing, from your comments, most American cheeses are what Europeans would call mild cheeses.


Originally Posted by jason@verotel (Post 532556)
If I took cheddar into France, they would probably hang me by my balls with a rusty hook.

If you took anything English to France and inferred that it was better than, or even as good as, the French version, they will hang you by your balls from a rusty hook. The French tend to hate anyone who is not French on principle, but they reserve a particular, special hatred for the English. This is probably because we have often been at war with them, and usually beat them. Possibly also fuelled by the fact that during the evil period when the larger European countries were colonising (i.e. invading and enslaving) most of the rest of the world, France and England were always trying to be better at it than each other (we beat the French at that too... but we ain't exactly proud about that these days).

OK, so I'm not saying that we don't have some crap cheeses in Britain, we do. We have some truly dreadful cheeses. But the best British cheeses are better than the best French cheeses. Try stilton, mature cheddar, mature double gloucester, marmite cheese, or (referencing another thread on this board) a good wensledale.

|england| |cheese|

jason@verotel 2014-02-27 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by ecchi (Post 532570)
Umm, you do know that cheddar is a British cheese, don't you? It is called cheddar because it was invented in a place in England called Cheddar, and was originally made in the caves of the Cheddar Gorge!

Well it may have "more flavour" than American cheeses, but the reason I originally said "British cheese is better" is that French cheeses have (on the whole) less flavour than French cheeses. And I would defiantly include mature cheddar in that list. I'm guessing your American cheddar is what we call "mild cheddar" which is is a cheaper alternative, that is not aged as long, and so has little taste. In fact I'm guessing, from your comments, most American cheeses are what Europeans would call mild cheeses.

If you took anything English to France and inferred that it was better than, or even as good as, the French version, they will hang you by your balls from a rusty hook. The French tend to hate anyone who is not French on principle, but they reserve a particular, special hatred for the English. This is probably because we have often been at war with them, and usually beat them. Possibly also fuelled by the fact that during the evil period when the larger European countries were colonising (i.e. invading and enslaving) most of the rest of the world, France and England were always trying to be better at it than each other (we beat the French at that too... but we ain't exactly proud about that these days).

OK, so I'm not saying that we don't have some crap cheeses in Britain, we do. We have some truly dreadful cheeses. But the best British cheeses are better than the best French cheeses. Try stilton, mature cheddar, mature double gloucester, marmite cheese, or (referencing another thread on this board) a good wensledale.

|england| |cheese|

Dude you do not have crap cheese in Britain and I certainly did not mean to imply such a thing!!! All the cheese is good. It all makes me feel lovely inside! Some is better than others.

In fact I have to tell you that I am always looking for a British shop in Amsterdam to satisfy my cheese cravings! I love Red Leicester and think it is one of the best cheeses I have ever tasted. I like to eat it raw or sliced on a burger. You are correct that American sharp cheddar would be compared to a mild cheddar over here. I really had no clue about cheddar until leaving the US. Most of the cheeses in the US are young cheese with little to no flavor. Even the aged or what they call "sharp" is not that tasty when compared to some of the stuff you get over on this side of the pond.

CrystalBelle 2014-03-03 08:33 AM

Hey Guys!

How's everyone doing? I'm feeling pretty excited today because i can finally reveal what i've been working on!! :D

Welcome Creamy Ads!!! A new adult advertising network (PPC).

If anyone has a spare minute it'd be great if you could check it out and let me know your thoughts :)

Thanks, Crystal x

ecchi 2014-03-05 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by CrystalBelle (Post 532628)
If anyone has a spare minute it'd be great if you could check it out and let me know your thoughts :)

You need to list prices. I know you probably run a bid system, so can't give a precise price, but you need something like "Bids from only 0.1c". I, and many others, will not even ask if we do not at least have some idea of the price in advance.

Also your site does not look professionally designed (NB "look", for all I know your designer may be an award winning WM, but it is how it "looks" that counts). In most cases this does not matter, but where you are soliciting money for advertising it makes you look like a chancer trying to make a quick buck out of the gullible.

ecchi 2014-03-05 06:38 AM

Oh, and it would have been a good idea to post a few "chatty" posts before trying to push your sales site. Dumping this as your third post makes it look like |spam|. And I'm guessing that is exactly what it is!

CandyApple 2014-03-06 05:28 AM

Hey Crystal!

I'm new here too and can understand why you haven't put some "chatty" threads up, because to do that intentionally then post your site would definitely be spam as ecchi mentioned. Well, that's the way I would see it.

I checked your site out, I think its look great especially if you compare it to some of your competitors. How did it perform during split testing? That's what matters more than the 'look', however I think its 'look's great! :) I might be wrong but I thought that flat designs were really responsive and up and coming, so...

I agree with the point about the prices however when it comes to traffic and advertising its not always just about price, ROI is more important than the actual bid price so I guess it won't matter to people if they see results.

Anyways, great work! :)

Greenguy 2014-03-06 07:53 AM

CrystalBelle/CandyApple - It's obvious to me & others that both of these accounts are the same person, so please stop doing this.

Nymph 2014-03-06 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 532365)
|whisper|I heard that Nymph has something BIG coming down the tracks! |couch|

How the hell did I miss this? LOL

ArtWilliams 2014-03-06 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 532365)
|whisper|I heard that artwilliams has something BIG coming down the tracks! |couch|

Rumour has it, it's Eddie Shack.

ecchi 2014-03-08 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 532736)
CrystalBelle/CandyApple - It's obvious to me & others that both of these accounts are the same person, so please stop doing this.

You have got to disable that "delete post" option because CandyApple's reply to this post was one of the (unintentionally) funniest I have read on this board before she realised that it made her look like a dick and deleted it!

My favourite line was when she asked you if the reason you had made this claim was: "Is it because I don't like ecchi?". Because, after all, everyone knows how much you love me and that you would never allow posts that disagree with me! :)

Being more serious: Does anyone recognise the site as either a "white label" site or a push towards a sponsor's site? Because if it is, fine - lots of people do this. However if Creamy Ads was really created and is run by CrystalBelle/CandyApple I am more than a little suspicious. From her posts she does not appear to have the knowledge necessary to create such a site. In the deleted post, for example, she continues to claim to be two people to G, demonstrating that she has not realised how he could have checked to see that they were one and the same. And the basic knowledge that G used is something that you need to know if you run a PPC ad program!

Basically what I am saying is that if it is not either an affiliate site or a white label site, then it has to be a scam site.

Greenguy 2014-03-08 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by ecchi (Post 532782)
You have got to disable that "delete post" option...

Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean that I can't :D

I could have just restored it, but this seems like it'll be a little bit more fun |popcorn|

Greenguy 2014-03-08 08:50 AM

CrystalBelle/CandyApple - I've been running this board for almost 11 years, and prior to that, I was a member of & moderated 2 or 3 other popular webmaster boards. I've seen it all. You're not the 1st to have 2 accounts, using 1 to pump up the other.

You wanna know how I know that the same person is running both of these accounts?

1. Both accounts contacted me via the board's Contact Us link, stating that they wanted to register, but couldn't because they had a free email account, which I block (I wonder why?) Both of these requests came within a couple days of each other. And, in each case, I advised you to sign up with a fake email, then contact me so that I could change the email on your profile to your free one & have the board send out the confirmation email. This, in & of itself, is not an odd situation, but it is very rare. But, I'll be honest, I really didn't think too much of it at them time.

2. Your boy ecchi saw your posts & dropped me a msg, suggesting that I should look into your accounts. Would I have done some investigating on my own had he not contacted me? I'd like to think I would have. Like I said: I've seen it all.

3. Looking at the 2 accounts side-by-side in the admin, there's a lot of similarities, as well as exact matches. Like the IP used to register:
CrystalBelle - (Host Name
CandyApple - (Host Name
As well as the IP's & Host Names from your posts:
CrystalBelle: (Host Name (Host Name
CandyApple: (Host Name

4. The deleted post just basically confirmed what I already knew.

I will say that I am a lot less of a curmudgeon than I used to be, so here's what's gonna happen:
1. You admit that you have 2 accounts.
2. I'll delete the one you don't want to use.
3. We can all move on.

Otherwise, I'll have to ban both accounts & flag the IP's & Host Names & stick to my "No Free Emails" policy, thus ruining it for the next legit person, etc. I don't want to do all this extra work, so please, just do the right thing & then it'll be over |shake|

|whisper|PS - If you're not a female, please let us know that, too ;)

ecchi 2014-03-08 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Greenguy (Post 532788)
|whisper|PS - If you're not a female, please let us know that, too ;)

Yeah do that thing at least, because G might put a move on you, and if you is a guy that could be embarrassing.

He's still not got over the shock of hiring a Thai prostitute and not finding out that she was a man until after he had sucked her dick!

Greenguy 2014-03-10 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by ecchi (Post 532807)
He's still not got over the shock of hiring a Thai prostitute and not finding out that she was a man until after he had sucked her dick!

I told you about that in a PRIVATE Message!!! |cry|

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