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Old 2008-08-22, 07:34 AM   #11
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internal PR
Nice, I don't often run into people savvy enough to use the term "internal PR."

WildHoney, if you're worried about home page TBPR (toolbar PageRank) because you want to run link trades, I would:

- submit a few free sites. Nofollow aff links so they don't leak any juice. Link the free sites back to your main domain root URL. That way, the free sites will leech juice off link lists, and your domain will start gaining some "play-dough."

- If you really only care about having a big green bar on your home page, keep the number of pages on your site to a minimum. Less pages = less link juice dilution (would not work in mainstream though - there you need linkbait)

- Like major stress said, link every page to the home page. Have as many internal links as possible per page (up to 100) if you have a ton of outbound links pointing to other sites. Again, nofollow aff links. This helps minimize PageRank "bleed."

- Buy a dozen domains. More domains means more link trade possibilities. For example, if you only own one mainstream domain you could only get one link from If you own 10 domains, theoretically you could get 10. Then you can moderately cross-link them or channel all the juice to one main site and then trade off of that site. I've seen real estate agents nail local rankings using this tactic - buying several templates and domains, one per area, then crosslinking into a main site using sitewide sidebar links. And unfortunately, it seems to work.

- If you want to get spammy, there are some social bookmark sites out there that are dofollow. I personally don't bother with stuff like that but its an option if no one is linking to you naturally.
Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm.

Last edited by Halfdeck; 2008-08-22 at 07:40 AM..
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