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Old 2007-10-03, 08:23 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by docholly View Post
Took 100 years, federal troops and a dayam law passed and if it is anything like the last time I was there in 2002, 1/2 the population still thinks the confederacy will rise again. With the exception of the gulf coast area and Huntsville.. the rest of the state, IN MY OPINION, is still thinking they are in reconstruction days.

Neil Young said it best..."a wheel in the ditch and a wheel on the track." Trying to pull forward, but stuck in the mud. World class healthcare centers, high tech automobile plants, with a large percentage of the population that think Geroge Bush is a true leader, Saddam and bin ladin were buddies, and that Jesus can cure you from being gay.

A lot of the silly laws are a result of large and powerful church organizations (Southern Baptist) who feel it's their obligation to impose morality on everybody. It's what Jebus wants, you know. Politicans cater to them because they have lots of money and can delliver votes, but the average Alabamian is pretty cool, and there's plenty of sweet ass babes...not to mention beautiful lakes with great hunting and fishing.

I know, 'cause I'm an Alabama native, and in general you can have a nice life here. But I will admit there are those that live up to the stereotype, unfortunately.
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