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Old 2006-08-20, 03:39 PM   #10
Took the hint.
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Thanks everyone.

The move is about 80% complete. My registrar is having a little issue getting all the DNS changes to go through, so things aren't quite what they should be, but things are getting there.

Cleo, I think I am a bottom.

Jim, I wasn't going to make a move unless I could do better. National-Net isn't a bad place to be (many of the "big boy programs" are there), and they certainly have the 24 hour per day support staff and all that stuff. Nothing against NatNet, but for me and some of the things I am working on, my situation isn't 100% compatible with the situation. Hard to describe what goes into it, but there you go.

Linkster, you hit at least part of it. In a world where we are more and more dependant on the SEs to bring quality traffic, your hosting has to be 125% correct. You cannot have brown outs, slow responses, or network weirdness. Things just have to be up, and have to be fast. The same for traffic trades, CJ sites, and whatever else you might have. You need speed to make things go. Sparky knows a thing or two about making things fast, and isn't affraid to get his hands dirty right down to a single line of code to find it. I suspect in the next few weeks things I am doing will become much more effecient and the results in banner views and click thrus (and money as a result) will be there.

So in the mean time, things are still moving around, sort of has me a bit locked up, but everything should be fine in the next 48 hours or so.
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