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Old 2005-03-30, 11:39 AM   #25
Are you sure you're an accredited and honored pornographer?
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Ummmm Cleo

Aren't the links listed on your site... Therefore they are on your server...

If you could add the affiliate id as I suggested then it would be carried through to the main site if you were an affiliate to a site who use CCBill as a cookie is dropped on the surfers pc... I even have mine set to 14 days, so if a surfer comes back within this time, the affiliate receives the credit.

I won't make derogatory remarks to you about being ignorant, as you obviously aren't a pay site owner and so wouldn't be expected know this. I don't know how tgp's are run except for the use of trading scripts to send surfers everywhere but where they want to go more often than not

You could simply have replied that there isn't a script for this, without being insulting and patronising
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