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Old 2010-06-23, 08:02 PM   #1
Selling porn allows me to stay in a constant state of Bliss - ain't that a trip!
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Why do guys jerkoff so much? turns out there is good scientific reason

So, all those fucking christians who are against jerking off turn out to be TOTALLY WRONG once again.

Guys need to masturbate to get rid of older sperm, and girls prefer the sperm of men who masturbate, so much so that a girls body rejects older sperm and squirts it out, while sucking in the fresher sperm from the guy who jerked off before banging her.

So, if you want to breed, jerk off. If you want the girl to reject your sperm, dont jerk off. Case fucking closed.

One more reason why jerking off is important and healthy, and NOT jerking off is sick sick fucking sick and in direct opposition to the christian goal of breeding more tithe-paying christians.

And we pornslingers are like freekin doctors lol!
masturbation is an evolved strategy for shedding old sperm while making room for new, fitter sperm. It’s quality over quantity. Here are the adaptive logistics.
The advantage to the male could be that the younger sperm are more acceptable to the female and/or are better able to reach a secure position in the female tract. Moreover, once retained in the female tract, younger sperm could be more fertile in the absence of sperm competition [sexually monogamous relationships] and/or more competitive in the presence of sperm competition [in which the woman is having sex with other men]. Finally, if younger sperm live longer in the female tract, any enhanced fertility and competitiveness would also last longer.
Unconvinced? Well, Baker and Bellis are clever empiricists. They also apparently have stomachs of steel. One way that they tested their hypotheses was to ask over 30 brave heterosexual couples to provide them with some rather concrete samples of their sex lives: the vaginal “flowbacks” from their post-coital couplings, in which some portion of the male’s ejaculate is spontaneously rejected by the woman’s body.
The flowback emerges 5-120 min after copulation as a relatively discrete event over a period of 1-2 min in the form of three to eight white globules. With practice, females can recognize the sensation of the beginning of flowback and can collect the material by squatting over a 250 ml glass beaker. [And here comes a useful tip, ladies…] Once the flowback is nearly ready to emerge, it can be hastened by, for example, coughing.
As the authors predicted, the number of sperm in the girlfriends’ flowbacks increased significantly the longer it had been since the boyfriend’s last masturbation -- even after the researchers controlled for the relative volume of seminal fluid emission as a function of time since last ejaculation (the longer it had been, the more ejaculate was present). If only the parents of teenage boys had these findings available for the first hundred thousand years of our history, think of all the anxiety, guilt and shame that might never have been.

In fact, even the father of adolescent psychology research, G. Stanley Hall, had a particularly nasty thorn in his paw when it came to the subject of masturbation. Hall accepted that spontaneous nocturnal emissions (i.e., “wet dreams”) in adolescent boys were “natural,” but he viewed masturbation as a “scourge of the human race … destructive of that perhaps most important thing in the world, the potency of good heredity.” In Hall’s view, the offspring of teenage masturbators would show signs of “persistent infantalism or overripeness.” Boys will be boys, Stanley, and how wrong you were.
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