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Old 2016-02-16, 04:13 AM   #1
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Yet Another Reason I'm Busy Hating CSS!

Some years back, when the BFI was still cool, I went there for a lecture on 3D films. The lecturer pointed out that 3D was invented in the 1930s, and had been revived about every twenty years since then (1930s, 1950s, 1970s, 1990s, and now in the 2010s it is back again). He gave the reason for this 20 year cycle as "It takes about 20 years for us to forget how crap 3D is." A slightly less insulting explanation may be "We soon realise it is crap and give up on it, and about 20 years later a new generation who were too young to watch movies, or not even born, discover the technology and think 'That looks cool, we must try it.' And the cycle is repeated."

Stick with me, that will become relevant in a moment.

Way back when I first started creating websites, one piece of HTML I was not taught was "body bgcolor=" so all my websites had a white background. It was not long before someone contacted me to say "that looks rather sucky" (back then it was still safe to put your email address on websites, so most of us did, so it was not unusual for strangers to contact you about your site). Also, back then, frame sets were frowned upon. People who used frame sets were considered "amateurs" and their sites considered "crap".

Now I am trying to use CSS and HTML 5 (yup, last web designer on the planet to accept these concepts). I have been using Google to see what the accepted and popular style is in mainstream sites and I not only find that white backgrounds are back in style, but CSS is used a hell of a lot to mimic frame sets (menu stuck in the "top frame" content scrolls in the "lower frame"). In other words, the sort of shit that was going out of fashion just as I started in this business.

Thinking about it, it is approximately 20 years since I first got into web design. So I guess it is that 20 year rule again. A new generation of programmers is "rediscovering" what us old timers were doing a couple of decades back, and us old timers have forgotten how crap it used to be, so are going back to it.

So maybe if I wait long enough, the cycle will have turned 180 degrees again, and my old templates will be considered "new" and "cool" again.

Or maybe not.......But I'm hanging on to them just in case!

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