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Old 2008-03-28, 05:52 PM   #64
WHO IS FONZY!?! Don't they teach you anything at school?
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 46
I'd try to clarify a pair of moments. Shortcomings that Kit pointed to, are realy far from this format, just because it is just test. Nobody can formulate the rules and say, "YEH, THEY ARE COOL, AND WILL WORK!", so this discussion has the main aim to make your brain to work on the problem of LL slow death. I'm sure that many FS posters has there own experience and observations about SEO and usability of FS, everyone has something to say, like "I have a suggestion, I wanted this feature on FS for 7+ years, but rules fuck my creativity!". But in this discussion practically nobody said so, on russian board there was a great discussion, and the result you see is united thoughts of differen webmasters.
About text. Owners want unique texts on each FS. The easy way is to write the text from FS in quotes in google. If Google says "NO" that is cool, the text is unique and 99% that after a week of listing google will give you ONLY ONE result by the same text, and this will be FS , that submitter posted. You see? This time, LL really gets a link from UNICQUE SITE! +50 links from PR3+ LLs and we have PR2+ UNIQUE FS, link from whish will be minimum 2-3 times better for LL! But it is, IMHO, not only mine.
Then about links, it really seems strange to do them as a blogroll, but it works on blogs, it works on other sites, it is more readable to serfer, than a table of unknown banners or links.
About %s from different pages, whi dont you think that it will be 90%-index/main, and 5 and 5 - galleries? It is necessary to try and then to talk about. This business consists of experiments, suggestions and blether. People who want to experiment - experiment while you are talking shit, and won't tell you about results it it works.
To Greenie, you told you don't know google alhoritms. NOBODY KNOWS ! All SEO is about realisation of observation of SE reactions to this or that changes in site structure and so on. Kit and Co has a GREAT experience and lots of observations, and when he says that it will be better it is not just a thoughts, I think that he is "daddy" in seo and I respect him about this, the same way I respect you as a "LL daddy". So it is your choice what to do with new format, but I think you soon suggest something new, too. Ewerything changes and biz too, we have to adjust to it, so this topic is normal reaction to biz changes. Nothing more to say for now.
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