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Old 2003-10-15, 08:20 AM   #19
Nothing funnier than the ridiculous faces you people make mid-coitus
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Tart does have a "for Women" section.. and i can tell you if we get 1 submission in a month that's probably stretching it...

will take any and all For women sites you have....

TPZ for Women

as far as women actually purchasing porn, i doubt it's even 1% of total number on the net, for the same reasons there are 100's of strip clubs for men in any large city but maybe 2 times a year the chippendale's revue comes thru town and charges 40.00 a head *LOL* for a ticket. they cannot sustain a full time audience.

Men are really visual, as we all know, but women are more driven by imagination, which is why story sites do well for women, because we can read them and see in our minds eyes, us with our partner in that situation. If we illustrate those stories, then it takes away the fantasy.

Look at the billion dollar "romance" book industry. You don't see Paul, Harry and Joe buying 10 at Walmart do you?? and Quite frankly, while we are on the subject..some of those novellas are no different than PURE PORN..yet they are sold in mainstream. what is the difference??

so why do we have a section just for women? because it never hurts to explore all options.. and a market, no matter how small, can always find a way to make a few $$ to cover the bandwidth.

just my opinion.

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