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Old 2012-05-30, 06:07 AM   #7
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I always advise against anything "cordless" because they are a security risk. (Years ago, when I worked in a computer shop, I used to amuse myself by "hacking" the RF spill from one computer onto another. It was easy, and I am told that hacking "cordless" equipment is even easier, although they only became popular after I left that business, so I've never tried it myself.)

Personally I use a cheap little mouse I got from China (via eBay). Cost less than $2 and works as well as the expensive branded one that it replaced. Lots of eBay sellers sell them, a simple search, list items cheapest first (buy now only) will give you plenty of Chinese sellers asking less that $2, and that includes postage from China, in most cases.

On the subject of track balls: If you are used to mice, changing to a track ball is a different "hand discipline" and it will take you a while to get to the point where you are not constantly swearing at the mouse pointer as it flies off somewhere you did not want it to go. However I will be watching this thread myself for advice on track balls, because I want one for my MAME, to use for Missile Command (the original Missile Command used a track ball, and I am feeling nostalgic).
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