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Old 2004-09-16, 01:15 AM   #9
feeling a bit better
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I know I will probably get a few of you roused up big time but believe it or not, THIS Canadian still Thanks God for America.

America is still the most powerful nation on earth.
America is still the land of opportunity.
America is still a somewhat Christian nation.
America is still one of the biggest contributors financially to poor nations - if not the biggest.
America is still the land of the free & the home of the brave.
America is still way better than ANY country in Europe.
America is still the only nation that stood up to Islamic terrorists.
America is still the most envied nation on earth.

I am Canadian of Greek descent, I don't mind telling you people this at all because you have to understand my point.

Only in America with your God given right to free speech can you openly express your opinions so freely.

Here in Canada, we have no opinions, because we lack an identity to our country - except for hockey & that really does not count because essentially only a couple of dozen countries really do play hockey on ice.

You never hear an American say "I am an American-Greek" or "I am an American-whatever." You hear that shit all the time in Canada.

In spite of the fact that you think your leader is incapable of passing his drivers exam today, be grateful for what you have, and can have in the future. The problems Americans have are quite enviable - and this is why the world has turned against you.

Many of my buddies hate what America stands for. Not me. I thank my lucky stars (except when it comes to Clinton, that piece of shit - he had no right to bomb Kosovo) because if were not for America, the world would be Muslim right now. Think about it. No offense to Muslim people, just that deep down, they hate anyone not Muslim and that includes every Christian, Jew, or whatever.

You will NEVER EVER hear me show ANY respect to any of the European countries - EVER. If it was not for America, Europe would still be in repairs after WWII. The EU shit their pants during Sept. 11, 2001 (except for Spain) and all but turned their back on the US. Shame on them. I hate Europe. They can all go to hell.

Forget about the blemishes of the past 4 years. Every administration goes through something or another.

All of you Americans should be proud of your nation. ALL of YOU. I know I would be if I was American.

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