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Old 2004-11-05, 11:22 AM   #10
Mr. MP3
Internet! Is that thing still around?
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Music sells very well, particularly if you apply adult marketing techniques. We have a complete white branded version that makes it easy to keep your visitors on your own site and sign them up directly.

With xmas coming, lots of cheapasses will be downloading music and burning their own CD's, think about it, where they gonna get it.

Also remember, iPods and MP3Players need songs to run on. Not sure if you have read the news lately but not everyone is finding their music on iTunes.

We help users sort out P2P downloading for them, through tutorials, FAQ's and e-mail tech help. Yes we cater to newbies, and they are happy to pay for the help.

Let me know if you are interested in cross selling our service from adult sales. It is a one time charge and the reversals are very low. You make 50% on all sales, our highest sub rate is $55.00, you get half.
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