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Old 2008-01-02, 10:26 PM   #10
T Pat
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Originally Posted by AcidMaX View Post
This is where working smarter and not harder would come in to play. If you have that many blogs it almost seems like it would be easier to just have someone code up something and based on niches would add to a specific subset of sites etc. It would definitely cut your time down drastically.
Two things I've never been accused of are being lazy and working smart
I'm to stupid to code myself, I've hired three different coders in the time I've been in adult, the first one fucked me and vanished, Then Kaktus came along and I used him for a bunch of custom work until he stopped taking coding jobs. Gave another coder a shot last year he got $350 did a half ass job like a month behind schedule then dropped off the face of the earth.

I'm using Blogs Automator, Blogs Organizer and as soon as I catch my breath will also start using Gallery Scrapper.
With the next upgrade of BO and BA my work load will be cut in probable a third
The thing is I'm probable the first person using a combination of BO and BA that just jumped in, strapped up and put the pedal to the floor, expecting to spit out high quality splogs at lightning speed. Now Kaktus knows where improvements are needed
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