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Old 2018-12-08, 03:23 PM   #16
Asleep at the switch? I wasn't asleep, I was drunk
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 214
I don't know how many of you know this about Greenguy but he used to be a farmer. Yep, in fact that was how we met.

I used to be a ventriliquist, a traveling ventriliquist in fact and one day I was driving down the road and my car broke down right in front of Greenguy's farm. I went up, knocked on his door and asked him if I could use the phone to call for a tow truck. He said sure. After my call I told him the tow truck wouldn't be there for an hour or 2. He said ok and he offered me some lemonade. We were sipping on the lemonade and I asked him if he would mind if I looked around the farm.

He proudly said to me that he would give me the grand tour of his farm. He was rightfully quite proud of it. So, we proceeded outside and started towards the barn. Just outside the barn was the Chicken coop.

He proudly said, "These here are my chickens. They are 4h champions evry one of them." I decided to have a little fun with my new friend so I turned to the Chickens and said "Hello Chickens, what do you do?", then using my ventriliquist skills I threw my voice so it appeared the Chickens responded with, "Well, we work for farmer Greenguy."

Greenguy looked all flustered and stammered out, "well, I never heard them do that before, golly."

We proceeded on our tour and we came to the Pigs. Greenguy proudly stated, "these is my pigs. They are all 4h champions too."

I proceeded to again use my skills to have fun. I asked the Pigs what the did and they replied that they work for farmer Greenguy and once again Greenguy got flustered and stammered out a "golly."

We did this with each batch of animals, the cows, the horses, the goats but when we were approaching the sheep Greenguy turned to me and said "Now don't you believe nothing that them sheep tell you, they all lie like a rug."

And that's how I met Greenguy.


Last edited by sarettah; 2018-12-08 at 03:44 PM..
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