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Old 2018-01-15, 11:08 AM   #3
Certified Nice Person
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Good morning, lovers.

I have been on the road roaming about this shithole country for a few months in my homemade camper. I'm currently at a rendezvous in Arizona, which is a lot like a webmaster convention -- just a bunch of old, ugly, unfit people wandering around, but without the occasional porn star walking by or any interesting conversation. These are some dull bastards.

I picked up a dog at a SPCA in California, so now I have a companion to talk to. She really enjoys watching me piss.

I am enjoying my life on the road, probably too much because I haven't done a moment of work since I began. One of the issues is that I have an old desktop PC that sucks a tremendous amount of juice from my battery bank. That means I can't just leave it running all day like I would like to. I do have a generator I can run as a back up to my solar installation, but I don't want to run it more than I really need to. I really have to invest in a laptop.

Anyway, I need to go wander the desert for awhile with this fucking puppy before she eats more of my clothes.
Click here to purchase a bridge I'm selling.
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