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Old 2017-09-28, 06:46 PM   #5
Perverted Empress
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Our Finnish news had several minutes on Hugh Hefner too. That doesn't sound like much, but we really only get 2 - 30 minute newscasts daily, and that includes weather and sports. Even then, that is on 2 channels out of 11 or 12. Not much. All of our newspapers and tabloids are online though. I knew his overall health had been declining lately but this is still very very sad.

All of my attempts to get back into the rhythm of things are being foiled. My back is out from moving plus unpacking. Right now, even sitting in a chair bothers it so I have been trying to do things in smaller segments like approving 20 galleries, then taking a break and unpacking a bit.

We have a dog and pony show on Monday. My husband's mother is showing off our house to her sister and her husband (my husband's godparents as well as aunt and uncle). They are not really coming to see us - they are coming to see the house. We are not fully unpacked yet, and I still have a lot to do. That in itself can be overwhelming, but I think Jolly can vouch for me.. Nordic housewives are expected to bake for special guests. My baking stuff and in fact most of my cooking stuff except for rough basics are all still packed!!! I did figure out what I am baking, and had the husband pick apples from our tree. I will start with applesauce, so that I can make an applesauce spice cake, and then apple turnovers. I also found a basic sugar cookie recipe I like, so I may try that too. I really should not worry -- his mother will bring everything with her like always. Dang it... I have a nice big kitchen now with a wood burning stove plus an electric range.

To top it off, our anniversary is the following Saturday, but her birthday is Sunday - the next day. We never celebrate our anniversary! We are cooking dinner and baking for her day next weekend. We can seat everyone here comfortably - she has a very tiny kitchen that barely seats 4. So... the next 10 days or so will be crazy. Sigh...
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