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Old 2015-10-04, 03:36 AM   #1
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Wow, Pop Unders Really Do Work!!!

I started my program of adding pop unders to my non profitable and low profit adult sites simply out of desperation. I'm currently using them to push the more profitable sites, but my intention, further down the line, is to sell the pop unders. However they appear to be a lot more effective than I thought:

When testing the pop under and setting it up I was using several minor sites as the target. One was Home Grown Laughter (a jokes site). It was only on there for a couple of days, and did not get a lot of hits. Looking at my stats, the number of hits obviously rose considerably during that time. But more interestingly is the increase in "type in" hits since the site came off the pop under. It is a big site. I'm about to add more jokes, but at the moment it has 188 pages with jokes on them. So not something you would read in one sitting, but might bookmark to revisit.

From rough estimates using the traffic levels when the pop under targeted this site, and comparing the number of "type ins" before and after the pop under campaign, it looks like nearly ten percent of the people who got the pop under must have bookmarked it! That is bloody impressive results (never seen an ad get taken up by 10% of surfers before, even for "free stuff"). Particularly as the pop under is an annoying thing and I would expect most surfers to ignore it on principle.

Maybe we should reevaluate their worth and use them more.

Perhaps Live Jasmine knows something we don't.

At the very least: Perhaps if we all used pop unders, or pop ups, on our free sites - surfers would get so pissed off with it that they would start buying memberships again, just to escape the pops!
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