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Old 2014-04-30, 03:51 PM   #7
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More Cheese Grommet

Local supermarket was selling packets of 7 largish lumps of cheese for £5 (about $7) over Easter. Today they hit their sell by date, so they were selling the remaining stock at 75p (bit over a dollar). I bought their entire stock - I like cheese.

My thinking was threefold:

1) Cheese is just milk that has gone past it's "sell by date", so you can pretty much ignore the cheeses "sell by date".
2) OK, so I bought so much cheese that point (1) does not really apply, but cheese is freezable, and I own a deep freeze.
3) Even in the worst case scenario - I get home and find my freezer is broken and the cheese really will all go off when it hits it's "sell by date" at midnight tonight, UK summertime. That will mean I will have what any normal person would consider to be six months worth of cheese and just under five hours to eat it all. I call that do-able. Like I said "I like cheese".

So I now have a fridge and freezer full of lots of lumps of seven different types of cheese. four English cheeses, one Dutch cheese, one French cheese, and one Austrian cheese. I know all the cheeses except the Austrian one, and I'm happy to try something new, I ain't prejudice. Besides, if you Americans are prepared to elect an Austrian cheese as Governor of California, the least I can do is give one fridge and freezer space.
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