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Old 2008-10-29, 12:05 PM   #7
If something's hard to do, then it's not worth doing
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Berlin, Germany
Posts: 247
Anyone who claims that porn is not affected by the economy is either on crack or just plain dumb. Porn is, and always has been, a "luxury" item. It's what you buy after you've got your rent/mortage paid, you did your food shopping for the month, and paid all the bills.

Any economy class teaches that in an economic slump, the first things that are affected by it are the luxury items. Restaurants, theme parks, purchases of new TV/video, DVD purchases, etc. etc. etc. all go down.

My economy professor however was able to prove that the minute the economy recovers (even if it doesn't go back to it's previous level), people will feel secure again, and will more or less "make up" for what they didn't buy during the slump.

This, for example, partially explains why during the summer sales tend to be slow. Not just because people are out and about, but because they are being selective with their luxury goods purchases. In the run up to christmas, you often see a relatively sharp raise in sales, mostly because people have their holidays planned, bought what they wanted, and often there's 30 bucks here or there "left over" that gets spent on porn.

So far this trend has always shown itself in the sales of my business partners and myself. And yes, we're down too. We're still assuming (or maybe flat out praying) that the upswing will make up for it to close out 2007 on a nice note.
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