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Old 2004-10-25, 05:08 AM   #18
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Originally posted by pornrex
Hi Jay, Blue Spade...

Lately, I have been promoting OCCash like crazy...

However, it has NOT converted for me - yet.

Raws: 1601
Uniques: 1306

Am I doing anything wrong?


I've looked up your account - I see you are using trials, which is the right thing to do...I checked some of your refferer data and some of the pages seemed a little strange:

This site:

Would do a lot better with interracial or black traffic than just plain teen. I see that is the category you picked.

Though the rest looked fine. It is freesite linklist traffic, right? One thing I recommend to increase conversions is to filter your traffic as much as possible. Do you have a hub for your traffic? The more you target your surfers the better off you are. If you need any advice to help with sales you can always hit me up

Of course, your traffic is much appreciated, but with only 1306 in -- it is still a little early to tell how you are doing. If you get two sales you'll 1:750, three and you be 1:400 and something -- what I am trying to say it, sometimes you just send traffic and then all of a sudden something "pops" and the conversions come rolling in.

Quick story as it relates to this: Our best site is Phatbootyhoes. We felt really good about it when we rolled it out. First two days Phatbootyhoes went to 0:5000! We were freaking out - we were gonna pull the site, redesign - this just wasn't working...the next morning we woke up to 10 sales and a 1:500 ratio. That site is consistently under 1:400 now. Sometimes the numbers don't tell the whole story.
Circle Of Violence

Last edited by xxxjay; 2004-10-25 at 05:46 AM..
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