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Old 2004-10-04, 12:05 PM   #13
No offence Apu, but when they were handing out religions you must have been out taking a whizz
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Originally posted by maxdaforce
so how do these guys get a job like that?
its not often you see them advertised on webmaster boards and you'd think they would be the ideal place?
No... I'm not going to name any names....

That being said - a lot of these people get hired via the "homie hook-up" that works behind the scenes of this industry - or any other for that matter. It happens everywhere. The "in" crowd, the "popular kids" - all that kind of stuff.

I'm not claiming that all the "popular" ones are clueless marketers, but some that I have talked to - and many that I have heard about from other webmasters - fall into this group.

Again I have to say that it is a sad thing for the true marketers/consultants of this industry that have done some amazing behind-the-scenes work @ programs, services and companies throughout the 'Net. It's unfortunate that they are sometimes lumped in with these clueless wonders - it's like the old saying about some ruining it for all... I hate that.

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