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Old 2004-10-01, 03:46 PM   #5
No offence Apu, but when they were handing out religions you must have been out taking a whizz
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Originally posted by JenC
I don't think it's something that a person with a degree can just walk into.

I am SO thankful that my first years were spend "in the trenches" building free sites, working with traffic, learning the ropes from the ground up. I see so many writers, webmaster resource folks, etc. that just have ZERO experience in this arena, yet write about it as if they'd lived it.

True - I'm no Internet millionaire, traffic guru or SEO whiz - but at least I know the difference between TGP and AVS. lol

I had one such marketing expert ask me for an anagram list a few years back because he couldn't make heads or tails of all these "initials for things" that webmasters use. "What's a LL?!?" he asked me at one point, "A Lesbian List? Why do we care if people work with Lesbian Lists - we don't even have a lesbian site?" *rolls eyes*

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