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Old 2004-09-16, 06:24 PM   #24
Jim? I heard he's a dirty pornographer.
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Location: Washington, DC
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Military Spending Per Country in Billions of US Dollars

United States 276.7
Japan 43.0
France 39.831
United Kingdom 36.884
Germany 32.8
Italy 20.7
Saudi Arabia 18.3
Brazil 13.408
India 13.02
China 12.608
Korea, South 12.0
Turkey 10.6
Israel 8.7
Taiwan 8.042
Canada 7.5
Australia 6.9
Netherlands 6.5
Greece 6.12
Spain 6.0
Iran 5.787

Why would a country that ranks below so many other countries in literacy, infant death, criminal population, people living in poverty and violent crimes be proud of this?

Don't get me wrong. For hundreds of years the USA was the best place in the world. 4 years ago we elected a man that has killed over 1,000 of his own citizens and over 15k Iraqis because "We needed to any way". 4 years ago our justice department was just (kind of at least). Today it's lead by a religious fanatic that's just as nuts as the terrorists that we're fighting against.

America can be the greatest country in the world again but not when we're being lead by religious fanatics or people that see lives as expendable for purposes of winning elections.

Don't kid yourself. Our country and our way of life is under attack from our own leaders. We can be the greatest country in the world again or we can keep the fanatics in office.
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