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Old 2004-06-17, 07:44 AM   #13
Internet! Is that thing still around?
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 8
Originally posted by Helone
But bad galleries and being a cheat is not the topic of discussion here, using autosubmitters is a very good way to get yourself blacklisted from a lot of places, I admit to using advanced submitter, but 99% of the TGP's I submit to dont allow auto submittion and have measures to prevent it which I like. Also, I dont want/need to be submitting to 900+ TGP's that dont list my gallery anyway, I would rather list to those 100 that have proven themselves to me and post my galleries and generate some traffic for me.
Well let's forget about cheating. But you can't say that auto submitting will cause you'll be blacklisted at lot of places unless this happend to you. Correct using of auto submitter is not problem - I'm using chameleon submitter and I'm banned only at few unimportant TGPs - but not because of using submitter, but for another reasons (someone is banning my hosting server's IP, some are banning some words from my domain name, banned country, etc.).
TGPs can't see whether you've submitted your gallery using submission software (if it is smart software) or manually.
They can ban you only because of bad galleries, incorrect parameters for most of teh time, or too much submissions per day (but the last thing is checked by chameleon, it contains exact submission limits for each TGP in database)
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