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Old 2023-04-16, 06:10 PM   #5
Perverted Empress
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Slowly, we are trying to claw our way out of this deep black pit. We have been trying to do just one thing around the house to break the lethargy. Most days, we manage it. So, today, I thought I would try building galleries again. My biggest stumbling block has been lack of focus and constant interruptions. Today feels pretty good. So, maybe, just maybe we can make this work. It's a busy week again. We don't know when the Tire Change Circus will reconvene or if it will. We also have a new air compressor on the way. Who knows when it will get here. (I am thinking tomorrow or Tuesday. Wednesday would be incredibly convenient as The Husband will be in that town for his 2nd ever eye exam.)

Back to building... got lots of it to do here. And yes, I am sharing.
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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