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Old 2023-01-23, 11:20 AM   #4
Perverted Empress
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Finland
Posts: 4,690
I think the Bills losing was just an omen. January is off to a HORRIBLE start. MIL's issue turned out to just be an easily-fixed plumbing issue. BUT, her back has been hurting. Turns out she has a fracture in her spine from osteoporosis. They have her on pain killers, with an appointment in late February to see a specialist. So, The Husband has been over there every other day helping with housework and shopping.

I have had a sinus cold since Christmas that really won't go away. It has really hit my eyes hard, making it very hard to see the screen. (Hence, very few galleries are getting done.) Today, I put my glasses on and freaked out. I can't even see out of them. I tried for several hours this morning and just plain gave up. Even after using the drops, I can't see. I am overdue for my eye exam, but I wanted to try a different doctor because I am still having problems 3 years post op. Great... if I want to wait until the end of February. So, I have to go back to the same guy I have been seeing. At least I can get in there next week. Maybe the in-laws will let The Husband off to take me.

I am truly ready to give up at this point. Black hole nothing... this is now a bottomless pit.
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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