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Old 2022-09-21, 02:14 PM   #6
Perverted Empress
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From a semi-outsider's viewpoint - the news is poorly reported. The UK Daily Mail is a tabloid that doesn't always research its stories very well. In this case, the school district has already put out a correction to it. It's great click-bait but as a trustworthy news source it lacks a lot. Better to trust or even the BBC.

The French name .. there are LOTS of French names in that part of Canada. My maiden name is French, and from Canada but from Quebec. If it was in British Columbia, it might be a bit unusual, but not really. The French and French Canadians played a solid part in the foundations of the country.

Which Brighton?

I don't know if anyone is determined to sexualize young people, despite what certain governors say. I think it is more that there is more of a movement to be more receptive to the needs of young people. Over the years, we have learned that suppressing these feelings can lead to acting out, drug/alcohol use, or suicide. Those that didn't fit the narrow mold have always been bullied and mocked. Is it wrong to let young people know that the mold isn't so strict, and that there is room for their alternate lifestyles?
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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