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Old 2021-04-17, 09:33 AM   #2
Perverted Empress
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What if the people respected the guidelines on their own, without government intervention? Does the government have to tell them what to do? Can't most of them figure out for themselves? Masking, distancing, and handwashing go a very long way and can be done without police intervention. For those that choose to believe otherwise and wish to party like there is no tomorrow, well, maybe there won't be. Maybe they will be the ones to be triaged right out of a hospital bed. Terrible choice, I know, but everyone has a choice to make.

Here in Finland they pointed it out from day one -- there are only so many ICU beds in the entire country, and we all have to share them. They make it sound almost patriotic to follow their guidelines. We are seeing a decline, but they have still cancelled 4 major rock festivals this summer.
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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