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Old 2020-10-14, 11:36 AM   #5
Perverted Empress
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I talked to The Husband. His dad has been waiting for his cataract surgery for over a year now - since about the time I had mine done. We all thought they were doing both eyes after all this time. Nope. He went through the public health system, and that hospital only does one eye at a time. I asked my husband what day next week he has to take his dad back for a post-op check. His dad has no follow-up scheduled. They will contact him with an appointment for next month. If he is doing okay, they will set up the 2nd surgery. It just prolongs the whole situation. He can't drive until he sees the doctor next month, so we are on call. His surgery was actually done in a private clinic because the waiting list is so very long.

I hate that hospital. That is the normal one for where his parents live. We are in an area where we can choose and I flat refuse to go there (prior past experience). I had a checkup scheduled with appointment in hand for the following week. I think I waited 24 hours before my surgery - both eyes. I was treated extremely well, and it was money well spent. We told his dad that if he went private like we did, we would pay for his surgery, but no... he chose to wait. Most of the time our public health system works fairly well, depending on the munipality. Ours is great, theirs sucks.

The Husband may be home tonight. We had planned on him staying because his dad was supposed to have both eyes done. We shall just have to see how things go. Back to the porn.
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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