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Old 2020-05-21, 12:31 PM   #6
Perverted Empress
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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It is The Husband's birthday today, and his parents were invited to coffee today (not dinner, just coffee as they did not want to eat food.. go figure.. it's a clue as to the day.. ) So, we spent the day yesterday running to the next town over for his birthday dinner (hand-cut steak), plus a cake from one of the best bakeries in the area. We get the steaks, no problem, then head to the bakery, which is now closed until June 1st, the official reopening day for restaurants. Grrr. So, we decided to head to the main bakery a half hour away, which we KNOW is open.

We get there, and this lovely bakery that usually has about 20' of cases filled with treats has almost nothing. The Husband had 3 cakes to choose from. He makes his choice and we work our way home. He calls his parents, who had gone to the other main town in the area, and his mom tells him SHE went out and bought the cake for his birthday. Wait a damned minute here... we spent 2 hours, plus about $30 for a cake all because they were coming for coffee and THEN we learn SHE bought one too??!!!??? So yeah, I was more than a bit steamed over this because she is always doing shit like this. We ask them over for dinner or coffee, go get the stuff, cook, and find out she has brought what she wants with her.

So today, the joke was on them. We had picked out a lovely fresh strawberry topped cake. These are really nice. She proudly hands us.... a lovely fresh strawberry topped cake. Yep, same cakes from 2 different bakeries. These cakes don't keep, so 3 people ate the whole first cake. She took half of the 2nd one home with her. Anyone want a mother-in-law real cheap? She has a heart of gold but just simply doesn't know her boundaries.

And yeah, I have seen some growing pains with Free Ones. I had a gallery rejected recently because I had the older generic Free Ones recip link on it, and not the very limited performer one. It was accepted as soon as I changed it. IAFD has its issues too so I use them both.
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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