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Old 2019-06-03, 06:19 PM   #5
Perverted Empress
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Crazy hectic here too. My cousin arrives in less than 2 weeks. LOTS of cleaning to do. We did get a minor face lift done on our entry way.

BP Meds haven't been working right. We called for an appointment today - the earliest is the 18th of June while my cousin is here (in fact, we are out of town that day). So, I have to wait until the 24th. I feel okay in the mornings when the meds work, but by later in the day, i am useless. So, it is get the work done early than goof iff, well sort of. At least this way, galleries are getting built and submitted, and I finally got an update done on the TGP network. Though I am not feeling great, I have a plan and feel better about this now.
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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