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Old 2018-11-25, 09:05 AM   #26
The Original Greenguy (Est'd 1996) & AVN HOF Member - I Crop Pics For Thumbs In My Sleep
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Originally Posted by Greenguy View Post
My 1st page was on & they gave you some default HTML coding when you started, so I do know basic stuff, but tables always gave me a hard time, so I started using FrontPage Express & then Namo when MS shitcanned it & it's been WYSIWYG ever since. I can look at the source of a page & guess most shit, but I wish I kinda wish I never went the easy route & continued to learn to code by hand.
This REALLY fucked me yesterday. Ramster asked me to work in the Hosted Gallery Builder his CMS uses yesterday. They give you a bunch of templates & they're all responsive, something I have ZERO knowledge of coding, but in my head, all I have to do is replace their images with his, swap out some hex color codes & Bob's your uncle. 1st one had a background image, so I just replaced it with a hex color. I noticed the header image was about 15-20 px wider than the rest of the gallery, so I resize the header & upload it, but it was off center (like it was aligned left in a cell) so I centered it & nothing. So I tried a couple things & couldn't get it to work, so I put the original image back up there & tried to widen the rest of the page, but all that did was widen the header image. I got rid of some padding in one of the cells & that fixed that 1 cell, but shifted everything under it to the left, so now I've got everything lined up on one side, but the other is now off by 30-40 px. That took roughly 4 hours

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