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Old 2018-03-02, 08:37 AM   #11
The Original Greenguy (Est'd 1996) & AVN HOF Member - I Crop Pics For Thumbs In My Sleep
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1st off, I LOVE this!
Originally Posted by jollyhumper View Post
Where did you pick that up from? Or is it something you came up with on your own?

Originally Posted by jollyhumper View Post
Still, I have to ask. Have you tried?
Have I tried what? AA? If that's the question, no. I was never "addicted" to alcohol. I was a big fan of abusing it by binge-drinking, but I was never a daily drinker & was really only drinking 2 or 3 times a month in late 2004. When I did quit, it was a SNAP in my head where I was just done with it. Done with pissing The Bitch off. Done with the 2 day hangovers*, where I'd go to a Bills (football) game on a Sunday & not start to function until Tuesday afternoon. It was tough at 1st. I quit on a Monday after a good 16(?) hours of drinking at the Bills/Jets game the previous day, where I know I started pounding at 8AM, went into the game at 12:30, partied in the parking lot after, and then went home to find my oldest stepdaughter was having a party in the pool house I vaguely remember midnight. I mention this because the following Sunday, Yell & I went to Boston for a Bills/Patriots night game with AdultLegalJim (if anyone remembers him). We got in late Friday, went bar hopping all day Saturday, and started tailgating around Noon on Sunday since it was a night game. All that was really, really, really fucking hard, but I think that since it was a SNAP that went off in my head & it wasn't being forced upon me by someone else or an outside party, that's the reason I was able to work thru it.

Now, I should throw in here that I was 1st prescribed pain meds in 2007 & that "helped" with the not drinking because I was buzzed on opiates thru 2014 when I got a SNAP about my problem with them and due to my physical dependency on them with the withdrawls is another long story...

*After giving my liver a break for 12 or so years, I've only had 1 mildly bad hangover since I took drinking back up & I have gotten fucking shitfaced a couple of times, so that's a pleasant unintended side effect that you can think about trying out in 2030

I do have another AA tie-in that I'll PM you about shortly.

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