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Old 2017-05-02, 03:49 PM   #36
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: About to be evicted!!!!
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Originally Posted by Greenguy View Post
Wait! 1st off, what board can't you link to from here?
The one I appear to have just been locked out of.

Originally Posted by Greenguy View Post
There's 7 people that post here & I'm not gonna have 2 of them going on with
Originally Posted by JustRobert View Post
Sorta like you constantly blaming me
I am not "going on with", I posted an explanation (to you) as to why I was not offering a link trade. Pagan jumped on this and I replied to Pagan's post. I am aware this subject is boring old news, I only refer to it when absolutely necessary (e.g. my explanation to you) or in reply to other people's comments.

Originally Posted by Greenguy View Post
because I can't see where he was trying to get revenge on you for something
Neither can I. I thought we got on OK together, which is what hurts the most.

Originally Posted by Greenguy View Post
2 - You didn't address the thread where JR fucked up (for a month anyhow) instead starting a new thread.
The thread was in a lower board (TGP or Link Lists, or something like that). I don't often visit those boards, so I don't see posts in them very often.

Originally Posted by Greenguy View Post
3 - JR apologized - and in a manner that one would think would make you:
A. Know it was an honest mistake.
Originally Posted by JustRobert View Post
I apologized
He/you (pronouns are difficult when replying to two people at once) basically said that it was my fault for not seeing his post. Saying "sorry" is easy, Saying "I was in the wrong" is harder, saying "I've changed my mind, people should't rip out their links" is harder still. He managed the "saying sorry" but not the "trying to make it better" bit (by, for example, posting "I was wrong, don't pull your links"). And by claiming it was my fault because I did not see his post earlier kinda took away the "sorry" part too.

Originally Posted by JustRobert View Post
btw, nobody listens to me
Originally Posted by Greenguy View Post
Regardless of if JR posted what he did or not, your links were getting pulled.
Yes some were. But after I discovered the post I checked the post date against my stats. JR's post was in the middle of the down period. I lost over 50% of my traffic in either the 48 hrs or 72 hrs (I forget which) after that post. And less than 10% in the rest of the down period. Either that is the biggest coincidence in the history of coincidences, or the majority of people dropped their link because JR said to do so.

Originally Posted by JustRobert View Post
I did not go around saying everybody pull all your links
I haven't got time to find the exact post, but you said something along the lines of "Time to pull the links [to ClitPass]."

Originally Posted by Greenguy View Post
I suggest you either get over it & move on or never mention it again. There's 7 people that post here & I'm not gonna have 2 of them going on with, what in all honesty, is nonsense.
At the time I exploded, and there were several posts on the matter. In the intervening year I have not been "going on". I mentioned it here because I thought you would think me a dick if I just deleted the link without explaining why I was deleting it (yes, an even bigger dick than you appear to think me for explaining), then Pagan posted and I responded to that post. But other that necessary explanations or replies to other people's comments I have not mentioned it in a long time, and have no intention of mentioning it unless other matters make it necessary.

You will also note that I have, over the intervening year, not held it as a reason to withhold conversation with JR. Conversation on this board is not excessive, most people (including me) just post what they have done without commenting on other people's posts. But when I have conversed, I have conversed as much with JR as anyone else (if memory serves, the last time was over a trip to see dinosaurs). And I will continue so to do.

However you cannot expect me to "forgive and forget". I was having a bad time at that point. My (as everyone's) online business was making less every day. My offline job was likely to die. My friend with the dogs had decided to move, which would mean I would never see the dogs again. And a doctor had told me that I was about to experience serious medical problems that would ruin my lifestyle and last the rest of my life, but that ain't as bad as it sounds, because "the rest of my life" was not going to be anywhere near as long as I previously thought it would be. On top of this, ClitPass, which was supposed to be an easy pass over had become a nightmare leading to me working over a hundred hours a week. JR was aware of this as I tend to post TMI on the board, but still he decided to stab me in the back and post that people should pull their links, with very effective results. Just what I needed at that time, another reason to step in front of a bus (believe me, there have been several days in the past year or so when I have seriously considered that). And to make matters worse, JR was someone I considered a friend (damn it, he is a fellow Whovian, for God's sake), to do something like that was a "let down" as well as a financial pain when I needed it least. Then to rub salt into my wounds his comment that it was all my fault because I had not seen his post earlier. Like I should scan this entire board every day to seek out "His divine word".

Look at it from my side. You were away from this board for a long time, people dropped out and stopped posting. Because I consider you a friend I posted several threads trying to encourage people to post (and occasionally threatened them). How would you have felt if, instead, you came back and found that I had posted "This board is dead, we should all leave it and go over to GFY." Well, I considered JR a friend too, and instead of PMing me to say "Heads up, your site is down" he posted to say "Ecchi's site is down, let's all delete his links and bury him further in the shit." (I paraphrase.)

So yes, I will be civil, and no, I won't mention this unless it is absolutely necessary. But don't expect me to "get over it & move on".

And although I accept it is your right to do so, and understand why you did it, locking me out of other places because of my post is only going to add to the strikes against JR.

Last edited by ecchi; 2017-05-02 at 03:54 PM..
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