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Old 2017-04-30, 08:50 PM   #41
The Original Greenguy (Est'd 1996) & AVN HOF Member - I Crop Pics For Thumbs In My Sleep
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Wait! 1st off, what board can't you link to from here? I don't think I have anything banned from being posted (but again, memory issues)

2nd, I was sent the threads in question & based on what I saw, it was a legit honest mistake on JR's part that turned into a clusterfuck. I know JR very well & I'd bet my house (really, it's all I have left lol) that his post was not even close to vindictive because I can't see where he was trying to get revenge on you for something.

having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge.
Or am I just splitting hairs based on you using the wrong word to express your anger toward the subject?

Here's how I see it:
1 - JR fucked up.
2 - You didn't address the thread where JR fucked up (for a month anyhow) instead starting a new thread.
3 - JR apologized - and in a manner that one would think would make you:
A. Know it was an honest mistake.
B. Smile (Dr Who & whatnot)
4 - Clitpass was down for MONTHS. Regardless of if JR posted what he did or not, your links were getting pulled. You can't possibly tell me you'd knowingly leave up a dead link not knowing when or if the site was coming back. That's just stupid & poor webmastering, especially for those that link to sites/pages for a living. Like I told you about me pulling your links: my linkchecker told me your site was dead. BOOM! Deleted. Gone. In the wind. Can't have the few surfers I have left clicking on dead links & getting annoyed. I'd also bet that you lost most, if not all of your Google traffic when the site was down &/or redirecting. JR's fault?

Let me say this one more time & bold it:
Regardless of if JR posted what he did or not, your links were getting pulled.

I suggest you either get over it & move on or never mention it again. There's 7 people that post here & I'm not gonna have 2 of them going on with, what in all honesty, is nonsense.

does exist, he just takes the shape of a lil green finger flipper on this message board

My 2 cents (which is really about 3 cents since I own the place )

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