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Old 2017-04-30, 02:19 AM   #34
Perverted Empress
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Originally Posted by ecchi View Post
Incidentally G, normally I would offer to correct the link and leave it (as we have done with other sites). But as JR is involved in this site and he deliberately destroyed over 50% of the traffic to ClitPass I'd be stupid to say "Hey, in exchange for killing more than half of my traffic, why don't I send you some of what is left?" So sorry, not this one.
As good as JR is at running his own sites, I do think it a bit of a stretch to point to him as the cause of losing half of your traffic. I have never seeen any outward signs from him at all that would lead me to think otherwise. Traffic to ALL of the link lists has dropped off in the last few years. It they were booming, you would still see sites like Tommy's Bookmarks and Cleo's (among so many others) in business don't you think? How many others have sold out and moved on? I can't even count them anymore.

One thing that hurt my sites badly was not doing regular daily updates as well as not actively submitting free sites or galleries. For 14 months, I sat in a classroom all day every day and didn't have time or energy to think about porn. Then there is the vertigo that keeps me from working at the computer full time. It seems to be taking a break right now fortunately. Still, my sites NEVER went offline, but they got stale. It took me a few more months to shake all that off and get back to work. Did I lose traffic because a few people went out of business or pulled a reciprocal hard link? I highly doubt it. *We* care about those things, but I really and truly doubt our visitors do. I believe I lost so much because of my inactivity more than anything else. I didn't have a tasty treat listed every day in the New Listings sections anywhere. Tommy always had the very best traffic, but I never had a hard link with him. My traffic from him was from my submits. I do believe PC also submitted sites to him - we all did.

Trust me, if I could blame my network's downfall on anyone else, I would do that in a heartbeat.

So, as I tell my husband, we can't change the past only learn from it. I decided my network gets at least 20 new listings daily, usually close to double that. I am trying to get my submits (anywhere) up to 4 a week outside my network and at least daily on my own. I figure by the end of the year, I will be back where I want to be. People will see that my network is actively growing and want to visit often.

Clean -- Build -- Submit. Look forward Not Backward.
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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