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Old 2017-04-16, 04:06 AM   #10
That's what she said
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Originally Posted by Pagan View Post
In that context, I would go with limp. If you hurt your leg, you limp on it or favor it.
Thanks. That is the actual word that came to mind.
Stupid me had to get into doubt and wanted to check.
I couldn't find limp anywhere on online dictonaries and my hardcopy (which I trust) is in a box somewhere still.

Never doubt what comes to mind straight away

The sad part of the holiday.. Finland used to have government mandated holidays where all shops but the tiny ones were closed. Banks and big stores closed, government offices (duh!), and the transportation people ran on Sunday schedules.
Exactly like here.

Now the stores are free to set their own hours. They were open Christmas Eve and even Christmas Day. Most stores are also open every day this weekend
Here we're closed Thursday, Friday and open a few hours on Saturday. then closed until Tuesday.

We however got open stores on Sunday since the 90's (I think).
It was called Brustad-bua (after the Rep Sylvia Brustad who got the law through).
BUT, there are strict rules on size and whats not.
So most stores don't bother.
For instance, if I need something today I have to walk for over an hour. (Don't own a car. I live, literally, right in the center of this town).

I abandoned my Christian faith in my teens. I started to think and noticed it just does not make any sense. (No offense if any of you do believe, I also respect that other people do believe. I have no right to state my opinion as the truth. But neither does the other side so they should respect me as well )

Ranting now. The point is, despite I am not a Christian (I even left the state curch) I do like the calm holidays with closed shops and slow life.

So I totally agree with you Pagan and it's a pity it came to that in Finland.


Last edited by jollyhumper; 2017-04-16 at 04:14 AM..
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