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Old 2017-04-04, 01:16 PM   #6
Perverted Empress
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Oh, that sounds so familiar Sarettah!! I think I have been working on my network revamp for a year now. I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel. My biggest issue is that I will be working away happily and then get a bright idea to take everything another direction. If you can find the key piece and build it out, the rest will all fall into place.

Jolly, whatever you salvage from Smiling Pussy won't be current, so really, why hang on to it? Keep the galleries in place while you clean up the actual pages, load in new stuff, dump the old. Then you will be left with a nice, shiny LL built on a solid foundation. I've been kicking myself for not doing that earlier with my lists. I think I could have saved myself a good 6 months of agony.
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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