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Old 2017-03-25, 12:32 PM   #5
Bow Ties Are Cool
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Join Date: Jun 2006
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Good Day

Squeezed in another meeting yesterday and it was the accounting firms error, not mine for the first time in a long while, so today I get to pick up the corrected paperwork.

Wife got in last night and her flight was an hour plus late so not till after 1am. Her lazy ass is still sleeping but I'll have to wake her real soon to get breakfast and paperwork before the firm closes.

After that I'm going to take her by the 6 acre parcel I looked at earlier during my trip, also looked at a 40 acre parcel. I have visions of building my own Big Caucus Cowboy Ranch where I can have a few head of cattle and a ghost town home. Think of a long rectagular home built behind different fronts of your typical ghost town with hitching posts and my own saloon with guest rooms above it. Plus fake fronts across the street so I can shoot at bandits in the windows and on the roof tops. One can have dreams, now if it wasn't that damn gandson I love so much I could make it happen right now, or fuck it maybe I will

Y'all have a nice day, ya hear!
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