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Old 2015-10-06, 10:41 AM   #4
Subversive filth of the hedonistic decadent West
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Southeast Florida
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My Air BnB guest arrived late last night. He was supposed to be here by the afternoon but got stuck in traffic due to the storm so didn't arrive until late in the evening. I had a few of my friends over when he finally arrived. He got all of his stuff out of his car and closed the door to his room so I went back out to my patio to join my friends. He then calls me saying that he has left and was cancelling the rest of his stay. Best I can tell he freaked out about having lesbians in the house. He first tried to tell me that he found a cockroach in the bed, but then changed his story saying that just wasn't comfortable. Whatever, I'm getting paid for two of his six days by Air BnB. I think he may have been a religious nut job.

Oddly right after he canceled my stripper friend called asking if she could stay with me for a few days. Despite losing 4 days of Air BnB payments I really prefer my friend staying with me instead of this guest.

Other than that just a day of work planned with the possibility of going to the gym.
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