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Old 2015-08-28, 11:10 AM   #14
Bow Ties Are Cool
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Guess I was sorta defending the situation because I believe 1 bounced check does not negate a call to the FTC. Shit happens and I understand that. I can be too easy going sometimes

Obviously you read the NV board since you know about my begging for replacement checks. In those situations that was complete BS and remember he also removed comments from Shemp and I about all this and the ongoing BS going on with servers. That was absolute BS as well. I do not defend these situations at all.

I believe that Rich is the only person left so he is probably overwhelmed. I also believe he, like many other programs, is just squeaking by so funds are low and that is why it is taking so long to "redo" the servers OR he is just shaving the fuck out of everyone. Those are just assumptions with no facts or proof at all. What I do know is that NV's processor was Zombaio, at least a few years ago it was. Another assumption, his problems started right after theirs did so gotta believe he was/is still using them and that the server issues have everything to do with Zombaio.

"if there was another AVS with recurring payments, there would be a mass exodus ..."
If sex key was smart they would jump on this. Of course getting rid of that sign up for free crap with the immediate pornking trial subscription and prechecked screw subscription would help. No wonder when I've done side by side comparisons that 99.9% of the people chose paid sign up with NV versus free SK.
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Last edited by JustRobert; 2015-08-28 at 11:14 AM..
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