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Old 2015-04-30, 04:04 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by Toby View Post
You keep missing the point. What I'm saying is that if you're going to make a different product the primary focus then you build a new site/network for that. You don't abruptly change an existing site/network.
I'm not saying change the site/network, I'm just saying ad some extra ads for non-porn stuff.

(Oww fuck, I'm eating a take away while typing and I just ate the hottest onion bhaji on the planet - feels like I just filled my mouth with the strongest chillies available. Help, I need alcohol.)

OK, beer in hand, back to the point (but my mouth still hurts).

Back in the 1990's bandwidth was expensive, So free sites did not give much away, and rarely videos. As bandwidth got less expensive, we started giving more and more away. Today you can get a month's unlimited bandwidth from a host advertising itself for tube sites, for less than I used to pay for 1G. As well as the tubes, there are loads of message boards giving away free downloads of entire site rips (seriously, if you want to do a review of a sponsor's site and they won't give you free access - just do a Google search, you will find someone ready to give away a recent-ish download of their entire content).

Today, only a moron would pay for porn - there is more than he/she could use in several lifetimes, all available for free.

Fortunately for us, there are still a few morons about.

Unfortunately for us - they are getting smarter, every week there appear to be less morons and more tech savvy people out there.

Soon there will not be enough morons to pay your hosting costs. By then you need to be using your porn site to attract people, then flogging them other shit that they cannot get for free.

As a friend of mine (who became a self made millionaire in his twenties and is now a multi millionaire) loves to quote: "The first rule of business is innovate or die. If you are doing the same thing tomorrow as you were doing yesterday, then next Tuesday you start your 'going out of business' sale."

(My mouth still hurts a bit.)
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