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Old 2015-04-28, 07:12 PM   #52
I'm going to the backseat of my car with the woman I love, and I won't be back for TEN MINUTES
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Originally Posted by ecchi View Post
No, but it is as start, a good start. And using % for absolutely everything (not just tables) WILL make it responsive, provided you know what you are doing (but it is easy to fuck up if you don't). Using CSS is one way but (news flash) it ain't the best. CSS is not consistent across all browsers, CSS does not work on all 'phones and tablets, and CSS is large and bloated, doubles the page size and makes "on the fly" changes difficult. In short CSS is the first resort of the lazy. Nothing wrong with that - I am proudly lazy. But if you are going to use CSS you have to be aware of it's limitations. Believing it to be a superior "use it always" solution is the first stage getting shit Google ranking because their spiders see your site as "non-compatible".
using css was invented to solve all those problems - mainly separating layout of webpage from content, nothing to do with being lazy or not, you obviously got it the other way around.

as well as you obviously have no idea what makes a page responsive.

links which will make it more clear:
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