Thread: Newbie Woobie
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Old 2015-04-11, 05:04 PM   #10
All the way from Room 101
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Thank you all for the warm welcome!

This place has changed a little bit, although it's still green. I just wanted to say hello.

Cleo, thanks for all your help in the past. I really did appreciate it. Apple still rocks! Although it is a sad memory, I first heard about the 9/11 attacks from one of your posts. That's a long time ago. x

Fonz, we were two of the few Europeans on here... hope you're doing okay... we got some decent Belgian footballers playing over here in the English Premiership!

Greenguy, thanks for teaching me about online marketing and for being you. I can remember submitting an AVS site to you in the last millennium and it didn't get listed, and you took the time to explain why. You taught me instead of excluding me, and that's why it all worked. Hope you and yours are well.

Ramster, thanks for all your help too. You're a very professional guy and I'm glad to see that you're still in the biz.

Ecchi, keep up the good work. There's nothing more important than keeping up the good work! And thanks for the flowers!

Useless Warrior, I always looked forward to your posts. Honest, straightforward and funny. Cheers!

Here's to absent friends!
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