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Old 2014-12-30, 06:49 PM   #5
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Feel like I have the flu, but it can't be the flu as I had the jab. So I looked up sicknesses with flu like symptoms on the Internet.

Google thinks I have Ebola!

Originally Posted by Cleo View Post
Yesterday's water leak turned into a 3K expense involving digging a tunnel under my house.........
I can never understand why builders don't think of access for leaks when they build a house. My sister and her husband wanted a Roman style bathroom when they moved in to their new house. They wanted a hand made mosaic (my sister's husband is worth a few bob). The builders laid the pipes, covered them in concrete, then let the artists in who covered the walls and floor in little inch square tiles to form a Roman style mosaic.

This took a lot of work, cost them a shed load of money, but was a unique work of art. They had decided that they would live in the house for decades, possibly a lifetime, so it was worth spending to get what they wanted while they could afford it.

About fifteen years or so later the pipes began to leak. The only way to get to them is to dig up the concrete, which means smashing up the mosaic with sledge hammers. Not only was it bloody expensive, it is a work of art, no one wants to destroy it.

The result is that they have not used the shower for about three years. The mosaic is intact (except for a small patch where a builder tried to lever it off without destroying it - and failed), but they have to use the small bathroom in the top of the house, in what used to be the servant's quarters back in "Downton Abbey" times. And they have to use the small shower that was probably originally put in to hose the servants down.

But the unused bathroom still looks very nice!
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