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Old 2014-07-09, 11:19 AM   #1
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Wednesday 9th July - And the French cyclists have at last gone back to FrenchLand.

Do you follow the "Tour De France" cycle race? Do you care about the "Tour De France"? Have you even heard of the "Tour De France"? Well even if you have never heard of it, you can guess where it takes place. It is called the "Tour De France" for fuck's sake, so even a fool can work out that it takes place in France!

So will somebody please tell those idiot cyclists that London is not in France. England is not a part of France*.

It is just over a miles walk from the station to my friend's penthouse. When I visit to walk his dog I don't usually bother with a bus, it is quicker to walk, and it would be incredibly lazy of me to catch a bus for that short a distance. But on Monday I was visiting to stay for nearly two weeks (I am "penthouse sitting" while he is on holiday). So I had two weeks of clothes with me, a few DVDs, a couple of magazines, and my computer stuff. All of which was heavy. So I decided to catch a bus.

Apparently, on Monday, that part of London was in France! All the roads were closed to vehicles to allow the bloody "Tour De France" cyclists through. No busses, so I had to walk carrying all that shit. Two days later and I am still pissed off about it. To make matters even more annoying, they had stewards outside the station to help people inconvenienced by the race. When I told him of my problem all he said was "There are no busses today."

I knew that, I had worked it out for myself from reading the big notice that said there were no busses today! What use was his telling me that. He might just as well have been replaced by a big pile of steaming dog poo, because treading in a big pile of steaming dog poo would be slightly less annoying than being told something you already know by someone whose job it was to help people caught by the fact that there were no busses today, and whose job was not to stand there and state the bleeding obvious!










* Actually England is a French colony, but as they conquered us before France actually existed (it was just an area of nation states, principalities, independent countries, etc.) we tend to ignore the fact that we are French property. Instead we allow ourselves to believe the lie that Britain owns a small part of France, not the other way round!

Last edited by ecchi; 2014-07-09 at 11:21 AM.. Reason: Shitty punctuation.
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