Thread: Google Toolbar
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Old 2014-07-05, 09:52 AM   #4
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Yes, the toolbars definitely communicate with their Home Bases about your actions. It's always nice to get that first recognition that the initial SE traffic brings.

Since you're using what you call descriptive domain names, you're probably getting some initial traffic from those searches regardless of whether anyone has ever registered that domain at some point in the past (of course you can check for earlier sites at if you want to know). That nice organic traffic is part of the "Honeymoon Period" so enjoy it while it lasts, because the period is there for a reason.

Unfortunately, while domains like that were relatively easy to rank once upon a time, the EMD (exact match domain) part of Big G's algorithm subtracts points for over-optimization, so be very careful about anchor texts linking to those sites. You don't want lot of links where the linked words are an "Exact Match (for the) Domain" of those sites.

"If you're happy and you know it, think again." -- Guru Pitka
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