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Old 2014-04-30, 07:17 AM   #4
Currently in an Oppai Bar Getting Tittified!
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Originally Posted by ecchi View Post
Whoopee. If the US government kills the US porn business, those people wanting to watch fucking are going to have to buy it from us Europeans. And being in one of the few other countries that (nearly) speaks the same language as America I should clean up (Australians don't count, it is illegal to run porn sites over there). Seems the DOJ wants to help me finance my first movie. Good on them.

Of course their actions will also screw with the US balance of payments since this will not only mean less money coming into the US, it will also mean US money leaving the country as Americans buy British porn. It could conceivably force the US back into recession and leave over half the country living in "Hoovervilles".

But this is a small price to pay if it means my film gets made. After all, what is the economy of one of the largest nations in the world? Surely that can be sacrificed so that the rest of us get to see my film "War Of The Amazon Women" and it's planned sequels!

DM me to have your content making money in Japan. New opps available.
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