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Old 2014-02-10, 12:38 PM   #1
Bow Ties Are Cool
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Join Date: Jun 2006
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Tubes are not going anywhere, just like tgp's did not go anywhere. They may lose some traffic "IF" search results drop but they will still hold onto the vast majority of traffic because millions of daily visitors will remember their site.

Here lies the problem imo:
'Does this site provide significant added benefits that would make a user want to visit this site in search results instead of the original source of the content?'
Yes, because it's FREE

It always seems the same people who complain about no jobs visit sites with stolen content, illegal downloads, etc...

I keep saying what goes around comes around and I have been seeing other sites popping up in top positions where tubes use to be. The sites I have seen are like circle jerk tgp's but somewhat updated.

So, could LL's make a comeback? Sure, why not. But I think the freesite model needs to change from the 4 page to ??? and quality probably needs to come back versus mass production (something I am guilty of as well) where rules need to be tightened up and changed to go with a new freesite format. The hardest part is accepting change and making those changes when LL's don't finacially make enough to cover the increase in review time to insure quality listings.
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